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Japan Hate it or Love it top 10 list!
Wed, 2006-07-19 11:41 | by Erin
So I have been here in Japan just over 3 years now and I have developed a kind of keen sense about what is going on around me. Hence a top ten list Actually it is a top 20 10 likes 10 dislikes. All in no particular order. This list will be a work in progress let me know if you want to add something.
Love it
1. Food Japan and Tokyo particular has some of the best places to eat of anywhere I have every been. Indian curry, Italian Pasta, Sushi. Ramon you name it its here!
2. Beer ya it is expensive ( a case costs about 40 dollars US) but they have Hoposhu which is a cheaper quality of beer. Real beer in America gave me gas and acid reflux. But not Hoposhu! I am not really sure what the actual difference (something about the amount of hops I believe) But it tastes good and does the job.
Hate it
1. Food Even after 3 years I am still a little perturbed by the fact there is no Taco Bell and Mt. Dew and a really good Mexican Restaurant is about as easy to find as a real Mexican person.
2. Getting there. In Japan it takes 1 - 2 hours to get almost anywhere. Well anywhere worth going and when you get there usually there is about 4 billion other people who cant wait to get there.
3. Old People I have no problem with the average Ogie-san or Oba-san I see on the street but I am growing some what tired of the following situations;
Being stared at like I am a crook or I stole from them etc...... the war was over along time ago... get use to seeing me I am not going anywhere but to work any time soon!
Being asked what English school I work for........ I don't teach English.