Compose tips
- Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
- Images can be added to this post.
You may link to files uploaded with the current node using special tags. The tags will be replaced by the corresponding files. For example: Suppose you uploaded three files (in this order):
- imag1.png (referred as file #1)
- file1.pdf (referred as file #2)
- imag2.png (referred as file #3)
[inline:1=test] or [inline:imag1.png=test]
will be replaced by<img src=imag1.png alt=test>
[file:1=test] or [file:imag1.png=test]
will be replaced by<a href=imag1.png>test</a>
[attachment:2=test] or [attachment:file1.pdf=test]
will be replaced by<a href=file1.pdf.png>test</a>