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Imigration Reform - a comment
Tue, 2006-05-23 10:08 | by Erin
This is a comment to my my brothers very well thought out plan for imigration in America. The full text can be seen at
Ya man you couldn't have said it better I think you have covered all the bases. One thing I know from experience was you will never ever stop the people trying to get in.
A often over looked fact is the people who want bigger fences and more guards, live on the border and 999 times out of 1000 the people who cause the problems are not the immigrants coming through it is the people bringing in drugs by the Kilo.
When a immigrant is caught coming over the border they go to a holding area and are processed (finger printed and photoed), sometimes they are showered and most times they get some food. When you catch them they don't run they don't fight, they get processed and get back on a bus to the nearest border crossing and get dropped off to try again.
When you catch a guy carrying a pack filled with 80 lbs of weed.... he is in deep shit... he lost his load # 1 sin that will at the very least catch him a inch of his life ass whoopin... plus 5-10 in the nearest incarceration palace of his nightmares. He has every single motivator in the world to use every thing at his disposal not to get caught including VIOLENCE.
I am still not ready to jump on the legalize it band wagon....but damm I think it would alleviate some real problems especially in the border area.
Plus what be the big deal for every gangster rapper to move a Kilo then .... you could just go to the local 7-11 and get some... 2 birds one stone... LOL
Let them in give them jobs get better service and enjoy.... maybe not that simple but it could be.... less laws more common sense.
About Me
I was a Marine from 1991-1997 during a 2