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Eric VS SuperTux

Last night I told Eric that I would be home late tonight and he asked why? I said I was going out with my friends. He asked if Maruo's baby was coming and and if he could come? I said no to both. He had just finished another level in Super Tux [1] and said he wants Keith, Mauro and Josh to come over so we can play Super Tux together. I looked again, noting that he has been playing it about 15-30 minutes a night since we all moved in together and saw that he is on level 22 of 26! WTF! I didn't finish my first video game till I was 35 (Navy Seals SOCOM PSP). I was never much of a gamer but now that I have a little time on the train everyday I like to have something to pass the time. Eric however is relentless at this game. I am just shocked the way he pursues certain things. Now if I could just get him to eat with the same enthusiasm. E./ [1]


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