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That Might Hurt
Tue, 2007-06-12 17:04 | by Erin
So Drinking and Driving is bad. All that "A good driver is a relaxed driver" stuff they tried to pawn off on you in college turned out to be untrue, but who woulda thunk that the same would apply to bicycles?
After spending most of a crying filled weekend alone with Eric (oh ya I was sick on Saturday too (Que the violins), I was in the mood for a little alcoholic stress relief. Fortunately Darin's Birthday party was Sunday evening so I headed out to that after Satomi came home and I handed Eric off to her.
The party was good we drank some beer and kicked at one dirty izakia. Then went down to the park to down a few more beers in in front of the hungry looking turtles in Inokashida Park.
Things started to wind down and we all headed our separate ways. Before Darin left he said to me "Erin be careful on your bike on the way."
We all left the park together and walked to the train station. This should have been a clue that I shouldn't have been riding my bike cause I forgot that it was at the park and walked back to get it.
I made my way to Food Express w/o trouble and bought some supplies for the next day and of course more beer.
I got back on my bike and then BLAM! From out of no where I was on my chest in the middle of the a intersection. I struggled to get up then resolved to pulling my self out of the way with my arms. It took me a minute to regain my composure from having the air forced out of me.
The car had hit me right in the middle of the pedestrian walk way and actually only tapped my front wheel but it turned violently to the left and then left end of the handle bar jabbed me in low in the groin as I flew through the air and onto the pavement chest first.
As I pulled myself over to the curb I looked up and thought that I must have hit my head pretty hard cause there was a Japanese Kid standing over me and I understood everything he said. Then I realized he was speaking English. Very good English at that.
A ambulance came but I insisted I was fine and I didn't want to go with them. This is due to my past experiences and my treatment as a patient when you do not understand 100% of what is being said. The kid continued to talk to me and also called Satomi for me to tell her what had happened.
Satomi was enthused as always to hear from me.
Eventually the police came and asked me a bunch of really stupid and some not so stupid questions.
Police Officer 1: Did you see the car?
Me: Augh no.
Police Officer 2: Have you been drinking?
Me: Maybe....
Police Officer 1: What were you doing before you crossed the intersection?
Me: Ridding my bike. Visiting some friends. Shopping for beer.
Police Officer 3: Are you hurt?
Me: No I do not think so. (I was in shock and knew it but I had no visible cuts bruises or broken bones.) I will be ok.
Police Officer 3: Are you going to cause any problems for the Driver of the car?
Me: Naugh
Police Officer 2: So it was your fault? (Japanese kid had to translate here cause I wasn't sure what the cop was saying..)
Me: I never said that.... I just want to go home.
Finally the kid who was driving came over and said he was sorry. I shook his hand and got on my bike and left.
I am sure that I could be sitting at home now with some paid vacation days coming and a fat check from the drivers parents. But I didn't do that. Not that I couldn't use the money or a little R&R time. But that is just not my style .
I have worked hard for everything I have gotten in my life . I want to keep it this way for as long as I can.