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Comming Home Day 6

The day after Christmas was a bit of a haze. I remember that it was a Monday and we did some stuff, but I can’t for the life of me remember what. I think it was a pretty quite day, where Eric and I went to Patrick’s house and we stopped by to see my friends at Microworx and pick up some parts for my sister Mary’s computer. We got something to eat and then went to Uncle Patrick’s house where I proceeded to get my butt whooped @ Soul Caliber 2 by my 4 year old son. I set up the game so he could play on the Easy level and he called me in a few minutes to tell me that he had finished. I thought that he meant he didn’t want to play any more....... Nope wrong answer. He had finished the game and was at the end screen where he had to enter his high score and was stuck. We went home and ate a little dinner and then were off to bed and rested up for another day.


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