
Erin's picture
Zimbra is a touted exchange killer application. I have always been interested in group-ware apps because I think they help connect people, solve scheduling conflicts and give users power to communicate better. And we all need help communicating. That being said on almost every install I do I always try to set up and configure a Open Source group-ware project. But every time I end up going back to my old stand by sendmail, dovecot, squirrelmail. Ugly but a completely functional system. Anyways I set up Zimbra's open source edition and have been running it for a few days. When I have a little more time to get in depth with its features I will right a review. For now you can check out thier homepage here forums here and flash demohere. As a admin and a user from what I have seen the app works exactly like the demo. So far so good. E./