Only in Japan
Mon, 2006-11-13 20:13 | by Erin
Japan the only place where dressing like a idiot is a fashion statement.
Tonight on the train back to Tokyo there was no lie a man who was dressed in the following;
A black knit hat a white based rainbow striped button down shirt a v-neck something another v-neck w/ a pink triangle at the apex with a gray and pink aregiale design a gray sport coat (that did match the gray in the sweater a paisley back pack dark blue denim jeans with gold stitching and to top it all off or bottom it all off .... low cut Chuck Talyor's Converse with with different size & (primary) color spots.
The funny thing is in America he would have stuck out like a sore thumb. Here he looks like most others to the untrained eye.
I wish I could have gotten my camera out.