Erin's picture

Training Week 1

It always looks easy when you watch some one else do it... so I finally, after stalling and stalling I started going to Karate last week. I have been meaning to for some time. I know that I am putting on weight again and my 35th birthday is coming soon so I signed up and got going. Since I joined the Marines I was always in pretty good shape and ALWAYS physically capable of getting anything done. Fighting, Surfing, Swimming and what ever else. I could get it done and I always had a good self image when it came to my body. The first shock was when I put on my Geii and went out into the dojo and stood in front of the mirror WTF I look like the friging Micheline Man. Then after 5 or 10 minutes of constant physical exertion I was sweating every where and breathing heavy. Woooow I thought this is not gonna be easy anymore. Second shock came a bit later when I had to spare. I use to have this awesome set of parries and combinations that I just new and had always worked for me. Almost naturally but now I found myself getting frustrated cause I couldn't find my rhythm and get control of my self. Finally the fact that I felt like a flailing fish out of water most of the lesson did not help, and the fact that I was soooooo uncoordinated and had to ( and still do ) be shown the basic moves over and over again was just crushing. The other people in class have been friendly and cool to me so far so I think I am going to stick with it for at least a couple more months. I will update this when I start to get a little better feel for what I am doing. E./
Erin's picture

A few things....

Well I have a few things to say.... I started Karate and well I am pretty frickin sore. There is a lot more to it then that... so read this, if you have the time. It was Halloween this week and that can mean only one thing. .... Halloween Party @ Speak Ez. I had a pretty good time you can read about that here. There was also there was a kids Halloween Party as well and pictures and short blurb about that are available here. Hope things are going good for everyone and like always keep on keepin on and don't forget to VOTE! I am pretty stoked cause Eric and I will spend the weekend in Tokyo together doing some stuff. Should be cool. E./
Erin's picture

New Camera

I got a new camera about a month ago and I am just starting to learn how to use it. Here are some recent photos I took. Go easy on my like I said I am still learning. Special thanks to my friend Bill for setting me straight on ISOs and what they do in a NON-Film camera.

I really shouldn't say learning just trying to remember. I took 2 semesters of photography in High School and got my only A's of my entire high school career. I know how camera's work and I have a pretty good eye but I am still trying to remember what F stop film speed and shutter speed all go together so, check out the image gallery. And yes mom and dad I will try to take more pictures of Eric for you!
Erin's picture

Thanks Bro!

Thanks Bro! My brother Patrick is living in and taking care of my house in the states. I owe him so much for all the work he has been doing. Recently the back porch has been in really rough shape so he tore it down and put up a new one. With the help of my Father and my brothers friend they knocked it out in about 2 days. Check out the pictures of the semi finished porch. Looks Great to me! E./