Wed, 2007-05-23 16:37 | by Erin
Ya I probably spelled that wrong.
Over the last year of working here I noticed a few months ago that every day;
I go to 7-11 in the building where I work and purchase a small something to eat or maybe a Coke or a Red Bull or a 2 liter of water. Some times twice a day. The latter 2 are most popular with me. EVERY time you go to 7-11 you get a plastic bag. Not being a tree hugging environmentalist I was kinda like big deal. It did seem pretty trivial though, a plastic bag for every little purchase. These plastic bags are used for a whole 1 to 3 minutes for the walk out of 7-11 into the building and up the elevator to my office. For 1,2, or 3 items I thought it was kind of a waste.
SO now when I go to 7-11 I almost always say "so no mama de i" OR it is fine like it is. I have been doing it for about 6 months or so and I would bet I have saved the planet 120 + or so.