You get what you deserve.
Tue, 2006-05-23 17:35 | by Erin
Ok So I found this guy on Boing Boing when was suppossed to be working.
It brought to light 2 very disturbing things about the world today.
The internet is very real.
People think what they say and do in the internet has no cosequences in the rest of the world. Guess what? It does.
I was interested when I found out the police were harrassing
this guy cause he wrote that he strangled a homeles guy and did some other fictional bullshit. I read and read..... but then I followed this link Exibit A1 Which led me to Exibit A2 this link and it lead me to a whole list of people who dont like him and think he is a is one forum he started just about
himself . Maybe a ego maina problem, possibly?
I have a highschool education and I am not the most popular guy you ever met but from where I stand it looks like this IMHO.
1 person calls you a jerk no biggie.
2 people call you a jerk ... take a moment to reflect.
3 people call you a jerk ...... think about what is going on.
4 or more people call you a jerk .... start taking there comments seriously do some introspection and try to fix the problem. If for no other reason than making your own life a little easier or having a friend.
Finally if more than half the people in your peer group think your a jerk switch carrers or seek proffesional help. This guy skipped past 1 - 4 and has a overwelming disaproval rating of most of the people on the Winkipidia and his truth campainge.
I dont mean to say that everytime there is a problem in your life just follow the crowd... but think for your self and your sanity what might be best in this situation A) stick to your guns B) listen to reason from a friend or relative.
Finally now the internets fantasy playland is touching reality like WoW virtual items being sold on eBay (never personally seen this) and cops knocking at your door cause you posted a scary story, or video taped your last mailbox baseball adventure and put it on MySpace. Think! This is no longer the play place of geeks with pocket protectors, my mom uses the internet, my Grandfathers girlfriend uses it, and cops can use it too. Oh ya and the people you mock or desparage in your forums and abuse your power on.... they use it too.